For Immediate Release
April 14, 2001
For Further Information Call:
Brad Korn or The Korn Team (816) 224-KORN (5676)

Local Realtor Attends "World Class Service" Seminar

This past week, Greater Kansas City real estate specialist Brad Korn attended an advanced customer satisfaction seminar in Denver, Colorado given by a professional training company devoted to excellence and delivering "wow" service called BY REFERRAL ONLY.

"I've lived and worked in Kansas City for over 20 years, and have been in real estate for 14 years," said Korn. "My work in real estate helps build the community I love."

While most real estate agents spend a great deal of their time finding new customers, Korn says that the time management and customer satisfaction skills he learns at BY REFERRAL ONLY help him organize his time so that instead of looking for new business he can spend 100% of his time delivering world class service to his customers.

"The highest compliment that my clients can give me is the referrals of their family, friends and business associates," said Korn. "By focusing on their needs, and exceeding their expectations, I don't have to worry about finding new business, because more business is always being referred."

During the seminar, Korn learned about common mistakes many homeowners make when selling their homes. He also learned 9 simple things home owners can do to make their homes as desirable as possible; the traps new home buyers can fall into and how to avoid them; and advanced automatic computer strategies that supply buyers and sellers with detailed computer information about homes available and recently sold in the area."

"I came back from the seminar full of information to share with the community," said Korn. "Kansas City is a wonderful place to live. I'm committed to making sure that home sellers and home buyers have all information they need to make the right decisions."

Korn has set up a free Consumer Awareness information Site at under 'FREE Reports' that contains information about 5 different free reports consumers can order to save money when buying or selling a home. Consumers can call 24 hours a day, and the reports they select will be mailed out to them. For more information, Brad Korn can be reached at 816-224-KORN (5676).

Copyright © 2001 By Referral Only, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 The Korn Team.